Evoluzn Login

What is your Evoluzn Router Model?

Evoluzn Router Login and Setup

  1. To login to your Evoluzn Router, Open the web browser and type the default IP Address in the address bar
  2. You should now see the router login page with 2 text fields where you can type a username and a password
  3. The default username for your Evoluzn router is smartbro and the default password is smartbro
  4. In the login page of the router's web user interface, Enter the username & password, hit "Login" and now you should see the Evoluzn router control panel

For specific instructions for your device, choose your router model in the above dropdown box

Default Username and Password for Evoluzn Routers

Try one of these most Common Evoluzn Passwords

admin admin
admin password
admin 1234
admin blank
blank blank

Default IP Address for Evoluzn Routers

Try one of these most Common Evoluzn IP Addresses

IP Address

Evoluzn Routers List